高等院校新概念医学英语系列教材 医学英语词汇教程.
- 产品名称:医学英语词汇教程
- 作者:王亚娜,马雁 主编
- 书名:医学英语词汇教程


Chapter 1 Basic Word Structure1.1 Overview1.2 Word Analysis1.3 Basic Patterns of Word Formation1.4 Combining Vowels1.5 Suffixes 1.5.1 Noun Suffixes - Meaning "Condition" 1.5.2 Noun Suffixes - Meaning "Specialty or Specialist" 1.5.3 Adjective Suffixes - Meaning "Pertaining to"1.6 Prefixes1.7 Order of Combining Elements1.8 Competing FormsExercisesChapter 2 Pronunciation, Spelling and Plurals2.1 Overview2.2 Pronunciation 2.2.1 Pronunciation of the Vowels 2.2.2 Pronunciation of the Consonants 2.2.3 Accents2.3 Spelling 2.3.1 Combining Form and Name of Object 2.3.2 Silent Letters 2.3.3 Similarity of Sound 2.3.4 Similarity of Spelling2.4 PluralsExercisesChapter 3 Human Body as a Whole3.1 Overview3.2 Structural Units of the Body 3.2.1 Cell 3.2.2 Tissue 3.2.3 Organ 3.2.4 System3.3 Directions in the Body 3.3.1 Directional Terms 3.3.2 Body Planes3.4 Body Cavities3.5 Word Parts and Terms Pertaining to Human Body 3.5.1 Major Organs 3.5.2 Colors 3.5.3 Forms and Shapes 3.5.4 Diseases and Disorders 3.5.5 Surgical Operations 3.5.6 Instruments and Processes 3.5.7 Locations 3.5.8 NumbersExercisesChapter 4 Museuloskeletal System4.1 Overview 4.1.1 Introduction 4.1.2 Anatomy4.2 Combining Forms, Affixes and Terminology 4.2.1 Combining Forms 4.2.2 Suffixes4.3 Medical Terms: Pathology of the Musculoskeletal System 4.3.1 Signs and Symptoms 4.3.2 Pathological Conditions4.4 Medical Terms: Laboratory Tests and Clinical Procedures 4.4.1 Laboratory Tests 4.4.2 Clinical Procedures4.5 Practical ReadingExercisesChapter 5 Circulatory System5.1 Overview 5.1.1 Introduction 5.1.2 Anatomy5.2 Combining Forms, Affixes and Terminology 5.2.1 Combining Forms 5.2.2 Suffixes 5.2.3 Prefixes5.3 Medical Terms: Pathology of the Circulatory System 5.3.1 The Cardiovascular System 5.3.2 The Lymphatic System5.4 Medical Terms: Laboratory Tests and Clinical Procedures 5.4.1 Laboratory Tests 5.4.2 Clinical Procedures5.5 Practical ReadingExercisesChapter 6 Respiratory System6.1 Overview 6.1.1 Introduction 6.1.2 Anatomy6.2 Combining Forms, Affixes and Terminology 6.2.1 Combining Forms 6.2.2 Suffixes 6.2.3 Prefixes6.3 Medical Terms: Pathology of the Respiratory System 6.3.1 Signs and Symptoms 6.3.2 Pathological Conditions6.4 Medical Terms: Laboratory Tests and Clinical Procedures 6.4.1 Laboratory Tests 6.4.2 Clinical Procedures6.5 Practical ReadingExercisesChapter 7 Digestive System7.1 Overview7.1.1 Introduction7.1.2 Anatomy7.2 Combining Forms, Affixes and Terminology7.2.1 Combining Forms7.2.2 Suffixes7.3 Medical Terms: Pathology of the Digestive System7.3.1 Signs and Symptoms7.3.2 Pathological Conditions7.4 Medical Terms: Laboratory Tests and Clinical Procedures7.4.1 Laboratory Tests7.4.2 Clinical Procedures7.5 Practical ReadingExercisesChapter 8 Urinary System8.1 Overview8.1.1 Introduction8.1.2 Anatomy8.2 Combining Forms, Affixes and Terminology8.2.1 Combining Forms8.2.2 Suffixes8.3 Medical Terms: Pathology of the Digestive System8.3.1 Signs and Symptoms8.3.2 Pathological Conditions8.4 Medical Terms: Laboratory Tests and Clinical Procedures8.4.1 Laboratory Tests8.4.2 Clinical Procedures8.5 Practical ReadingExercisesChapter 9 Endocrine System9.1 Overview9.1.1 Introduction9.1.2 Anatomy9.2 Combining Forms, Affixes and Terminology9.2.1 Combining Forms 9.2.2 Suffixes 9.2.3 Prefixes 9.3 Medical Terms: Pathology of the Endocrine System 9.4 Medical Terms: Laboratory Tests and Clinical Procedures 9.4.1 Laboratory Tests 9.4.2 Clinical Procedures9.5 Practical ReadingExercisesChapter 10 Nervous System10.1 Overview 10 1 1 Introduction 10.1.2 Anatomy10.2 Combining Forms, Affixes and Terminology 10.2.1 Combining Forms 10.2.2 Suffixes 10.2.3 Prefixes10.3 Medical Terms: Pathology of the Nervous System10.4 Medical Terms: Laboratory Tests and Clinical Procedures10.4.1 Laboratory Tests10.4.2 Clinical Procedures10.5 Practical ReadingExerciseChapter 11 Reproductive System11.1 Overview11.1.1 Introduction11.1.2 Anatomy11.2 Combining Forms, Affixes and Terminology11.2.1 Combining Forms11.2.2 Suffixes11.2.3 Prefixes11.3 Medical Terms: Pathology of the Reproductive System11.3.1 Pathological Conditions of the Male and FemaleReproductive Systems11.3.2 Pathological Conditions in Pregnancy and Birth 11.4 Medical Terms: Laboratory Tests and Clinical Procedures11.4.1 Laboratory Tests11.4.2 Clinical Procedures 11.5 Practical Reading ExercisesChapter 12 Skin and Sense Organs 12.1 Skin12.1.1 Overview12.1.1.1 Introduction12.1.1.2 Anatomy12.1.2 Combining Forms, Affixes and Terminology12.1.2.1 Combining Forms12.1.2.2 Suffixes12.1.2.3 Prefixes12.1.3 Medical Terms: Pathology of the Skin12.1.4 Medical Terms: Laboratory Tests and ClinicalProcedures12.1.5 Practical Reading 12.2 Sense Organs - The Eye and the Ear12.2.1 Overview Introduction Anatomy 12.2.2 Combining Forms, Affixes and Terminology Combining Forms Suffixes12.2.3 Medical Terms: Pathology of the Eye and the Ear The Eye The Ear12.2.4 Medical Terms: Laboratory Tests and ClinicalProcedures The Eye The Ear12.2.5 Practical ReadingExercisesKey to the ExereisesReferenees

